Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The birth of a new blog

Hello world, I have decided to begin my own professional blog. 

It seems somewhat appropriate to quote the blog's description:

A professional blog evolving from my work, research, ideas and experience gained while completing my Bachelor of Arts in Organisational Learning. 
From games and simulations to change management and everything in between; this blog will encompass many of the exciting new developments in Human Resources / Organisational Development today.

Being the first post, this blog is still obviously in its infancy. Expect numerous layout changes over the coming weeks and perhaps direction changes over the coming months. Either way rest assured the blog will always remain a place of academic and professional discussion.

In the mean time as this blog gets of the ground and finds its feet, feel free to check out one of my professional pages:

Professional Page: http://mycareer-headhunter.com.au/people/JBraithwaite
LinkedIn Page: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jbraithwaite

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